Thursday, April 17, 2008


My brothers machine boots up with one of many different animal backgrounds each day. Today happens to be meerkats.

He sets up and waits for everyone to arrive. In the end, there are probably 20-30 people, including his advisors. I've never been to one of these before, and it's strange, as it always is, to be on a campus with students again. I feel a little old, but mostly I realize how little I like school. It's an odd thing for a teacher to say, but I just don't like being in or around classrooms.

Anyway, his presentation goes over really well, and I'm struck by how well he seems to know his material. He gets some tough questions from the crowd and from his advisors, who then kick us out, talk to him alone for a while, and then kick him out to deliberate.

At the end, they accept the proposal, and now he's got a year to get his thesis together. Congrats, bro.

This does make me wonder about my far-off goal of returning to grad school to get my phd in History when I'm much older. I still think I would love it later on in my life, but right now, probably not.

After the presentation, we pick up a nice bottle of Bruichladdich 20, and head back to his place for a get-together with his friends. It's a long night by the time it's over, and I'm completely exhauted, especially after the red-eye this morning.

I'm really glad I came. I don't get to see my brother all that much, and I'm not sure when I'll be out this way again.

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