Monday, January 28, 2008

Still Not Getting Old

I find that I've settled into an 8-5:30 schedule, and I'm pretty happy with it so far. I've got a permanent spot in my Outlook calendar from 8-9:30 called "Morning Chores" and I just get my project maintenance stuff done so I can focus on the day. Most people drift in at 9-ish, and wind up staying late.

When it snows, even a tiny bit, the buses can't get up the hill and it's a gamble as to whether or not I'll get to work. Today I saw sparks flying out the back of the bus as it thought it could, it thought it could.

From the window behind my desk, it looked like this today. The mountains were a bit cloudy, but the stark cloud line was really cool. Last week the mountains were out like crazy and it was awesome.

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