Tuesday, July 17, 2007


A long cab line awaits me at the airport.

I make it to the hotel around 5, just as the first day of the meeting ends. I wasn't planning on attending today, so the timing is great, although I've missed a lot of presentations that were SUPPOSED to happen tomorrow.

In the cab, I realize I'm wearing a white t-shirt that although I washed it in the bathtub still has stains from that local Dusseldorf liquor on it, so I change into my souvenir shirt during the ride.

At the hotel, I say hi to a bunch of people and we head over to the dinner. I have a quick dinner, show the video (with the obligatory multiple restarts since the sound wasn't hooked up properly) and then head out with my sales counterpart to finalize our presentation for the next morning.

The video went over well, but not AS well as I would have hoped. I can't post it here, but if anyone is interested in seeing it, just let me know and I'll figure out a way for you to see it.

It's midnight by the time I get back to my room and begin rewriting my powerpoint. Several hours later I've found all the internet clip art I can stomach and pass out.

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