Sunday, May 4, 2008

Semper Ubi Sub Ubi

I tivoed all three Omen movies a while back and am working my way through them. I actually borrowed the first one from the library back in college, but I can't remember the specific details although I do remember the basic plot.

He's the devil's kid. That's it.

I compared it to Rosemary's Baby which is another example of


and I found them both kind of mediocre. I really like that they initiated this satanic horror thing, but it's just a bit too slow and one-note for me.

When I watch things that I know M will probably hate, I'll often use the subtitles or headphones. Subtitles are pretty wild to watch on their own. The way that they express sounds ([emotional music playing]) or ([ominous mumbling]) or whatever, is pretty entertaining. I like the one pictured here ([man greeting]) in particular, especially if you pretend that it is hyphenated.

I've often thought that you can't get scared of a horror movie (not that this is all that scary anyway) without sound, and I still think that's the case.

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