Such A Sucker
Two weeks ago, I decided it was time to get back in shape. It's been many months since I really exercised and ate properly, so I'm kicking it back in gear.
I stopped off at Ken's on the way back and saw these bottles. For 10 bucks I will definitely get this (the red one) at some point.
I was going to discuss my projects for this weekend and the near future, but I've blog-lived for long enough tonight. I'll fill you in later.
Always a part of my get-it-together plan is the cutting out of alcohol and as much fat and sugar as I can swing. My general thing is:
- A balance bar for breakfast with my coffee
- Oatmeal with strawberry jam and milk for a mid-morning snack (quick McCann's - not Quaker)
- Cold-cut sandwich or leftovers for lunch (usually involving some sriracha. I can't get enough of that stuff)
- Some Total cereal or glass of milk for an afternoon snack. To be honest, this is the one "meal" I've been worst at getting right. I should be eating something more substantial here, but I keep not planning for it. I need to get some rice crackers and spicy nori for this purpose.
- As early and light a dinner as possible: more protein-focused and with some fruit and veg goodness for evening snacking.
I stopped off at Ken's on the way back and saw these bottles. For 10 bucks I will definitely get this (the red one) at some point.
I was going to discuss my projects for this weekend and the near future, but I've blog-lived for long enough tonight. I'll fill you in later.

For the afternoon snack I've had very good results with an apple and cheese stick (either light string cheese or Trader Joe's light cheddar) The combo of fiber/carbs in the apple and the protein from the cheese fills me up until I get home for dinner and it's nice and portable...
Why was my post removed?
I have no idea. That's weird. Here's your comment back:
"I'm on the 'eat like a hobbit' diet. Early 3:15am breakfast of pie or donuts, then regular breakfast of eggs or pancakes sometime around 8am, then the 11am milkshake, followed by lunch at 1pm, an apple or two with peanut butter right before milking the cows at 3pm, then dinner sometime between 6 and 7.
Sometimes I'd eat more, but then there would not be any food left for Dana and Julia.
On the workout scene, I'm slowly starting the Crossfit program. It's pretty brutal and I can't do all of the exercises yet. But it's not boring."
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