Thursday, September 20, 2007

Spot the Cat

So, we're planning on having everyone we know over for a grill session to commemorate the end of summer. M goes on a cleaning spree, and we temporarily move everything into the office so the main apartment can be cleaned.

Much decides that this layout suits him well. Can you see the sleeping grey blob?

M has found some recipes online for a green bean salad, chili burgers, and an apple crisp, so we prepare. The recipes do not seem to perform well (yes, I blame the recipes), and only the burgers (which we've heavily modified the recipe for) are really excellent. It's fun to cook together like this, and the rearranged kitchen (I'll get pics later) is really conducive to teamwork.

In the end, most people cancel and it just winds up being us and PeterN, which is always a fun evening. Sigh. Rock on, Peter.

I've got some leftovers I need to eat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MOST people cancel?? How about EVERYONE cancels or doesn't answer us because we have no friends except for Peter N (and Peter E who is in Japan).