Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Not Very Professional

I'm seriously getting tired of these early mornings. Tired, get it? I'm tired.

Mush is not, and he has discovered the playful cat-joys of a broken guitar string. He spends 20 minutes chewing on the broken high E and pawing. He gets a few notes and such, but he could use some practice. Also, it's like 7AM.

I spent almost literally the entire day on the phone, and M went to grab the remaining gear we need for getting our baking on. We now have a baking stone, scale, probe thermometer, and various other miscellaneous stuff. Thanks, M!

Time for cookies (from a tubey thing, not homemade tonight). Tomorrow we'll do something yeast-driven.

Oh, yeah...yeast. Comin' at ya!

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