We Fear Change
I hurt. I really like getting back into exercise, but the second day after starting is one sore day.
I'm trying to get some work momentum going over coffee and a balance bar, and it is slow going indeed. Right now I'm just prioritizing tasks and trying to sort out what I need to tackle first.
I ran out of balance bars yesterday and got a couple from the convenience store. The supermarket has them for less than I used to get when I ordered them from the company, so I think I'll just stop by and pick up a box or two later on. They've changed the packaging to something much uglier and I think they're trying to make it looks more like a hardcore protein bar than it used to.
I am especially a fan of one of the CNN Headlines that I misread as "O.J. Simpson grilled live on Internet Show", which would have been quite a spectacle and I would totally have watched that, if only to see the wine pairing.

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