Saturday, August 18, 2007

Clos'er Up

For the last few songs, security lessened and we "rushed" the stage to rock out with the band. There was some jumping up and down for the finale and encore, but no pitting, which was a first for me (to be fair, I was one of the only guys up there). Again, how civilized.

The singer called for the 3-year-old with the curious george to come up front and he picked him up on his shoulders (kid was wearing earplugs and called for his mom the whole time)and posed for a picture. He also put one of his headbands on curious george. If this kid keeps it up he'll be ready for an AWK show in no time. No more calling for mom though.

The last song of the encore was a pumping-fast Irishy tune called "Mary Mac" that got faster and faster and was a great ending song. In all, it was a fun time. I'm glad we went.

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