Heading Back
We've been told to leave ourselves three hours before the flight, so we're at the airport around 6:30.
My ticket is set to take me back to Seattle, with a transfer in Newark (ugh). I will be going to Chicago instead so I had attempted to change the flight, only to be told that I would have to re-purchase the entire Berlin-Seattle ticket at a cost of 3K. I decide to buy a $400 ticket from Newark to Chicago to Seattle instead, and will just "miss" the leg of my flight from Newark to Seattle. I hope that it doesn't get me flagged.
We grab some breakfast at a market in the airport, which is really a full market, complete with produce and canned/bottled goods, which makes us wonder who does their shopping at the airport?
We hang out on some uncomfortable ledge for a long while since there is no seating outside the gate area and drift in and out of sleep. Sometimes I like this gate-by-gate security they do in Europe, but once you get through security there is nothing on the other side, not even a convenience store to buy snacks and water, just a few vending machines.
We check through the security at the gate (Adam has to run halfway across the airport to get his laptop scanned for explosives) and spend the next hour sitting bored as our flight is delayed.
Finally we leave, and I fall asleep right after they serve breakfast.

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