Tuesday, July 17, 2007


It's been a fun 1100 miles. I think I've covered everything of interest and quite a lot of non-interest, but if I think of anything else you might want to know I'll post on it later. Also, feel free to email me and ask me about anything. I won't be shy about rambling on. I hope it's been at least a little bit better that watching some lame slideshow, but if you've made it all the way through, I guess it was.

I wake up as we land in Newark actually feeling somewhat refreshed. I make a run for an earlier flight to Chicago that was delayed and make it to the gate as they start boarding. I love not checking any bags.

I grab a bagel, muffin, and a cup of coffee and board the flight.

I'm in the back row, but I've got it to myself. I spend the flight working on my presentation, and by the time I land in Chicago, I've got a good idea for the changes I'm going to make. I think it will be good.

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