Saturday, May 17, 2008


After Peter pickes up some of that smoked salmon we tried last week, we head towards the stadiums to the international district. There's a store there called Uwajimaya, which is a giant Asian grocery that apparently has everything.

I'm specifically here to get dried anchovies so I can make Myulchi Boekum, a Korean spicy stir-fried condiment that I used to eat by the plateful back in NYC but haven't seen here.

We find the anchovies pretty quickly, but I don't remember what kind of chili sauce I'm supposed to get. I google a recipe on my phone and it comes back with an ingredient called gochu jang. I have no idea what that is, so I ask and am promptly directed to it. Awesome.

It's fermented pepper paste. I'm psyched.

Peter is looking for a giant bag of jack fruit chips (that's a fresh one pictured here) and is disappointed that they only have little ones. They are tasty though.

I also pick up some fresh lotus root to make chips, and a jar of spicy seafood snacks that I used to be nuts about.

It's a good haul, and it's gonna be a fun afternoon.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you found Uwajimaya - they have one here in Portland, too and I figured you would love it.

kc said...

Oh, man. The first time I went there, I wanted to spend hours looking through all the aisles.