Not Quite There
PeterE comes back over in the morning (after M and I make an early run to the park to miraculously find my hoodie where I left it) and I make pancakes and he brings his "Bacon Of The Month" and there's a hearty tuck-in. We check on the cheese, and it is not in the proper state. We agree to leave it alone for the rest of the day and try it later.
Meanwhile, in the office are some sleepy cats. Fergatory is on my lap, and Mush is asleep in his cat bed. I need to move, so I pick him up and put him on the desk, at which point he gets right up and climbs into the bed with Mush.
For a few minutes, Mush doesn't really know what to do. He seems too shocked to yell at Ferg, and eventually gets up and leaves.
I read an article in OnionAV about 30 Days of Night, the graphic-novel vampire movie. The author seems to feel the same super-serious-yet-fun way that I do about these kinds of things and mentions that although the movie is not good, that there are some great performances (and awful ones), and I agree that the concept is fantastic. Basically the premise is that vampires attack the town of Barrow in Alaska just as the sun sets for the last time into a month of darkness. It's a great idea, and the article is right. i really enjoyed some parts of it, including a fantastic performance by the lead vampire and one great, long overhead shot, but the movie wasn't very good, and the plot did not deliver on the concept. One of the vampires was kind of hot too, in a disturbing, not-hot kind of way.
Later that evening, the cheese is still not where it needs to be and I pretty much give up on it. I drain the whey and what's left is a rather rich, cottage-cheese like substance that tastes good but is far from Fresh Mozz.
We've got an extra gallon of milk, so I'll have to try this again. I'm discouraged, but not beat. Next time I'll keep a very close watch on temperature and probably up the rennet.
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