Lowest of the Form
My affinity for clever bumper stickers is well known. Equal to this is my hatred of the "If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention" one. I don't get it. What exactly are you outraged by? Politics? Religion? Civil Rights? Animal Cruelty? I'm the one stuck behind you, reading your damn sticker, so either entertain me or give me something to think about, other than that you have a lot of undirected anger over a topic that I have no knowledge of. Also, you're saying I'm not paying attention if I don't share your outrage? Fuck you. You know what I'm outraged by? Your fucking bumper sticker. Are YOU paying attention?
On an unrelated note, I had some leftover naan dough from yesterday that was resting in the fridge and did a much better job of cooking it today. M has a great picture here. It's still not ll the way there, but the rest and texture difference definitely helped.
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