Sunday, November 11, 2007

Oh, Come On!

Recently, M and I went down to Pike Place Market to wander about and get some lunch. We passed a fruit stand with these meyer lemons.

A few years ago, I had meyer lemons at a restaurant in NY and thought they were cool. I figured I would pick some up, but couldn't find them anywhere. Fairway Market was mentioned as a good place to get them, but when I went there, they said they were out since the restaurant chefs all came by when they opened and bought everything good. I made two trips up there at like 6 or 7 in the morning (45 minute trip) to try to get some and finally managed to get a few kinda lame-looking lemons. When I tried one, it kinda sucked.

This experience put me off meyer lemons for a while.

Here, in broad daylight, they taunt me.


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