While we slept, Anime Cat hung out near our heads and began purring. Now, Anime Cat purrs like you wouldn't believe. It's like having a NYC pigeon cooing insistently right by your ear. She can also scream like the dickens. It really is impossible to sleep when she's doing it. And it's not like she just does it when she's happy. She does it whenever the hell she feels like it. Eventually, M kicked her out of the room. We learned later that if you just yell at her to stop, she will.
When we woke up, we went to a local coffee shop where this bulldog just required a picture.
Next, we headed down to T's mom's place in Salem, where the fair was going on. She watched the 5 dogs (2 for the DFires, 3 for her) and they played in the backyard, while we loaded up in M's car and headed for the fair.
Oh, on the way down, M and I rocked out, of course.

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