Banana Nut Bread v1.0
After an hour at 350 degrees, the top of the loaf looked like it was just a teeny bit past done so I pulled it out. A toothpick revealed that the inside was not completely done (I think maybe my loaf pan is a bit too small), but I didn't want the outside to burn so it was eating time. I had trouble keeping M away from it before it had a chance to cool.
All told, I think it was a success. First, the Wusthof bread knife made cutting this thing a dream. Wow. You can see from the crumb that it has a good texture, although mabe slightly overmixed. If anything, I think I should have used more overripe bananas (3 of the 4 were normal-ripe) which would have upped the sweetness and banana-ness a bit more. I will definitely make this again (probably at a slightly lower temperature for longer), but I might make it into muffins next time, which would also prevent undercooking.
M commented that while it was good, it wasn't as far-beyond-good as other Alton recipes. I think it's that with a lot of his other ones (french toast, brownies) we're so used to mediocrity and plain old badness, that his recipes stand out so much. With banana nut breat I'm not so sure. Also, I'm pretty sure using riper bananas will escalate the flavor much more.
Until then, bananas.
Our banana ice cream needs bananas where the peel is nearly black and the banana hardly stays together. Otherwise we only get 'eh' ice cream instead of 'holy crap this is so banana-y.'
Well, that's settled then. I'll remember that for next time.
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