Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Springfield '03

We were supposed to spend the entire day shooting, starting at 10AM, and I got dragged into more meetings until 2:30. I won't ever go into work details on this site (feel free to call and I'll talk your ear off though) but it was a bad day. Not only was I ready to kill something when I finally got out, but my "producers" were ready to kill me. We had 1 day to shoot, they were paying for it, and we were suppsoed to be 3/4 done with the entire shoot by the time we started.

This is one of those days you walk out into a hallway with your heart pounding in your chest, just freaking the hell out about how you're ever going to get everything done in time. I had to take a major dose of perspective to calm myself down and get into production mode.

By the way, for anyone wondering, I don't know why people INSIST that we should film in places like hotels, restaurants, and airports without getting permission first. At least the person who kicked us out today was nice about it. So we shot in a park instead. Better light anyway. Ha.

Thanks for the image, Google.

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